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AI data extraction from financial documents

Evolution AI: The new standard for automatic data extraction

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Investment Date
Enterprise Value
Invested Capital
Net Debt
Background - papers with AI extracted data points
Wealth and Finance logo

WINNER - Wealth & Finance's Fintech Awards 2021 - Leading Innovators in Data Extraction 2021 – Europe

2023 Credit Strategy logo

WINNER - Credit Strategy - Best Technology Partner

Asset Servicing Times logo

SHORTLISTED - Asset Servicing Times - Outstanding Innovation - 2022 & 2023

Banking Tech Awards

SHORTLISTED - Banking Tech Awards - Best Use of AI & ML [with DF Capital] - 2023

we process over 1.5 million pages every day for our clients

We use generative AI to extract data from financial statements, invoices, bank statements and other documents. Below are some of our partners and clients.

RBS logoRelx logoUIPath logoSky logoD&B logo
Deutsche Bank logoNovuna logoUnigestion logoNatwest logoYouLend logo
RBS logo
Rexel Logo
UiPath logo
Sky logo
Dun and Bradstreet logo
The Economist logo
Deutsch Bank logo
Novuna logo
Unigestion logo
Natwest logo
YouLend logo
Mission de Reya logo

Evolution AI puts an end to manual data extraction and entry

Why Evolution AI

We’re Trusted By Global Industry Leaders

Evolution AI works with well-known names, including Natwest, Dun & Bradstreet, Deutsche Bank, and many others.

Advanced Technology, Ready To Go

Try it yourself by uploading a bank statement here, or we can show you using your own documents in a live demo.

Exceptional Customer Service

As one of our customers said, we’re available ‘practically 20 hours a day, 7 days a week’!

One-Stop Shop For Data Extraction

Evolution AI can capture high-quality data from any document.

01 Configure your document
How it works

Generative AI allows data extraction from complex documents without defining any rules or writing code.


01 Configure your document

Using our simple point-and-click interface, you can quickly identify any data point you wish to extract from a document.

02 Self-learning improves accuracy
Self-learning improves accuracy over time

02 Self-learning improves accuracy over time

Users can correct any errors and the system will learn not to make the same mistake twice.

03 QA ensures high quality data
Quality Assurance (QA) workflow ensures high quality data

03 Quality Assurance (QA) workflow ensures high quality data

Evolution AI doesn’t just provide an API but also comprehensive annotation and QA interfaces⁠ — along with monitoring dashboards. You can choose how much human oversight each document receives.

Powered by science and innovation

Evolution AI is fundamentally a science-based company. As scientists, we believe in constant discovery and innovation. Our researchers and consortium of industry partners are focused on channelling the latest advances in AI in our technology.

As accurate as human data extraction

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Learn how Swiss Asset Manager, Unigestion, saved 75% of the costs of data extraction from quarterly reports.

Read the case study
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Discover how we extract accurate data from supplier invoices for NatWest, reducing extraction time from 24 hours to just a few seconds.

Read the case study
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Evolution AI brochure

Download our free brochure.

Discover how industry leaders are reducing costs and increasing productivity with revolutionary data extraction technology. Our brochure contains a free IDP buyer's guide for reference when comparing IDP vendors.

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Think Evolution AI could be a good fit? Book a demo to discover how we can revolutionise your document processes.
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Think Evolution AI could be a good fit? Book a demo to discover how we can revolutionise your document processes.
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