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Capture Contract Data in Seconds

Transform contract PDFs into insightful, searchable, auditable data. Our powerful AI algorithms extract contract data accurately regardless of scan quality or document density.

In Partnership with

The Challenge

Collecting contract metadata - the crucial information within legal agreements - is a laborious and time-consuming process. Employees spend countless hours on contract lifecycle management (CLM), which involves meticulously reviewing, collecting, quality-checking, and storing vital contract data.

Traditional data extraction technologies promise to alleviate this burden. However, they often fall short. These solutions struggle to capture the subtleties and complexities of legal language, leading to inaccurate extractions with potentially serious consequences if left uncorrected.

The Solution

We’re proud to offer a specialised AI data extraction solution for contracts. Our AI reads contracts like a human, identifying and capturing the desired information in a structured format. The AI’s natural language processing (NLP) abilities mean that it can comprehend complex legal terms within the contract’s context. It’s like having a trained human analyst read and capture information from contracts — at a fraction of the cost.

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  • Extraction from contracts in seconds.
  • Support for simultaneous large-volume uploads.
  • Clean, structured contract data available as CSV or Excel.
  • Support from our acclaimed customer service team


  • Extraction from contracts in seconds.
  • Support for simultaneous large-volume uploads.
  • Clean, structured contract data available as CSV or Excel.
  • Support from our acclaimed customer service team

Example Use Cases for Data Extraction from Contracts

  • Locating key data points for strategic planning.
  • Identifying clauses and terms that may violate regulations, or have been changed across contracts.
  • Have you got a custom requirement? Book a demo with our financial data quality team.

Watch a demonstration of data extraction from invoices

Benefits of Evolution.AI







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